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BIRDS OF LA CEJA (Antioquia) 2.200 m.a.s.l. elevation Part I

The Bosque de la Cristalina Natural Reserve is located in the municipality of La Ceja. This is my permanent place of residence. There I have observed more than 200 species of birds moving through the forests and grasslands. It is important, every year, the arrival and passage of migratory birds from both hemispheres. Because human activities have negatively and drastically altered ecosystems, putting the survival of all living things at risk, together with my family and neighbors, we have taken simple actions to help birds, both resident and migratory.   The shares are: Plant native plants, with attractive fruits and flowers. Provide water and food Make secure windows. Do not use pesticides. Keep cats indoors. Use less plastic. Report observations to research projects. (We will dedicate a post to these actions).   En el municipio de La Ceja se encuentra La Reserva Natural Bosque de la Cristalina.  Este es mi lugar de residencia permanente. Allí he observado aves de más de 200 especies

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